Benson Radiology up and running with PET/CT using Australia-first technology
12 May 2017
An additional key oncology and diagnostic imaging tool is now available in Adelaide.
Benson Radiology has commenced PET/CT imaging from its newly developed City West clinic, directly opposite the new Royal Adelaide Hospital.
The GE Discovery IQ scanner is the first of its type in Australia. It has the highest sensitivity and widest axial view of any commercially available PET system.
This allows us to dramatically reduce the injected dose and scan times – in most cases scanning at half the dose and in half the time.
This scanner’s sensitivity and five detector rings will deliver greater image quality, greater accuracy and great diagnostic confidence.
Patient comfort and parking
Free patient parking is available in the adjoining car park at the rear of our building, with direct access to our department.
Our new City West clinic offers modern, comfortable, patient-focused surroundings and South Australia’s only PET room with a view.
For more information, contact our City West clinic on 8115 9600.