COVID-19 update — Our clinics are open for all your imaging needs

27 May 2022
Benson Radiology is keen to ensure that it can safely continue to provide vital healthcare services by putting measures in place to minimise the risk of transmission within healthcare environments.
Our clinics are open and we’re here to help
Our Practice is full of talented and committed healthcare professionals who are determined to continue to provide a full range of high quality, vital imaging services at our clinics.
Mandatory vaccinations for healthcare workers
Benson Radiology is compliant with the State Emergency Management Direction, which requires mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for all healthcare workers.
Masks are mandatory
In line with current mandated COVID-19 directives, patients are required to wear a face mask while attending our clinics. If you have an medical exemption, please be aware that staff will ask to see proof of this before your examination is conducted.
We’ve created a safe environment
We’ve implemented the strictest measures that are in line with both state and federal health authority guidelines so that we have a safe environment for our patients and our staff.
Booking process
When you book over the phone we will ask you a series of questions to evaluate risk. These questions will help us ascertain if:
- you have symptoms, such as a fever and cough/sore throat /shortness of breath, or
- you or anyone in your household are required to quarantine due to being exposed to COVID, SA Health travel rules and/or listed exposure locations.
If you fall into those categories (and potentially some others), we will need to assess if we can safely image you by following the health guidelines issued by the Australian Government.
At our clinics
At our clinics you’ll notice that:
- we have signage at the entrance reminding you not to enter our department if you fall into any of the risk categories above
- we also require you to check-in via QR code (or hard-copy record) at each of our clinics
- waiting room chairs have been distanced from one another to increase space between patients
- we will be limiting the number of patients in the waiting room at any time to abide by the government recommendations for social distancing (sometimes we may even need you to wait outside or in your car until your appointment)
- availability of hand sanitiser
- regular (including during business hours) program of cleaning and disinfecting our clinics.
All of these measures are put in place to create the safest environment for you and our staff.
Those accompanying you to your appointment
For the safety of you, our staff and other patients, if you require a friend, family member or carer to accompany you to your appointment – we ask that you consider whether they can wait outside our waiting room. This may also include, prior to your appointment, making alternative arrangements for the care of children.
For obstetric appointments, we will need to clarify the vaccination status of any accompanying people, as this will allow us to decide how to best accommodate their participation in the scan.
Also, please be aware that some of our clinics are within hospitals which have their own separate guidelines regarding visitors.
All these measures will help us reduce unnecessary risk. Our staff will inform you of the relevant restrictions.
The use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Depending on the scan, you may notice that our staff are wearing protective equipment such as masks. In some cases it may be appropriate that patients wear PPE also. But our staff assess this on a case by case basis, depending on the type of scan.
Rest assured our Practice has adequate supply of PPE, such as masks.
Our own company response
In addition to the above, we at Benson Radiology have also implemented some internal changes of our own to minimise the potential for the spread of this virus. For example:
- non-essential face to face meetings and gatherings of larger groups have been cancelled
- necessary meetings are now occurring via video conferencing
- options to work from home are being made available – where that’s appropriate
- we have formulated a roster plan that minimises movement of staff among our branches
- immediate cessation of work related travel
Other general reminders
We’re certain the broader community are well aware, but we’d like to take the opportunity to reinforce the importance of everyday preventive actions to help avoid the spread of respiratory viruses:
- wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and/or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
- avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
- cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing. Discard tissue immediately into a closed bin
- avoid close contact with people who are sick
- stay home when you are sick
- clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
And finally…
As a reminder, for people who have COVID-19 symptoms (especially fever, shortness of breath or flu-like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat and fatigue) and have recently returned from overseas or have had contact with a known COVID-19 case, then please seek medical support which may include attendance at one of the State’s dedicated COVID-19 clinics.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. We believe a proactive and conservative approach will help us maintain a safe environment for our staff and patients, while also minimising the risk of spreading the infection.
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