Shoulder & knee ultrasound

Item Description

Shoulder or upper arm

Where the service is provided, for the assessment of one or more of the following conditions or suspected conditions:

  • evaluation of injury to tendon, muscle or muscle/tendon junction; or
  • rotator cuff tear/calcification/tendinosis (biceps, subscapular, suspraspinatus, infraspinatus); or
  • biceps subluxation; or
  • capsulitis and bursitis; or
  • evaluation of mass including ganglion; or
  • occult fracture; or
  • acromioclavicular joint pathology.
Benefits are not payable when referred for non-specific pain alone.


Where the service is provided for the assessment of one or more of the following conditions or suspected conditions:

  • abnormality of tendons or bursae about the knee; or
  • meniscal cyst, popliteal fossa cyst, mass or pseudomass; or
  • nerve entrapment, nerve or nerve sheath tumour; or
  • injury of collateral ligaments.
Benefits are not payable when referred for non-specific pain alone and including meniscal or cruciate ligament tears and assessment of chondral surfaces.